Lovelady well height: 542.25 ft-msl (11.44 ft-Depth to Water)
Barton Springs: approximately 109 cfs 10-day average
2016 began in a status
of No Drought following a very wet 2015 summer and. Those summer and rains augmented a
trend which initiated back in September 2014, when water levels began to rise
after above-average rainfall. Steady recharge continued to increase aquifer water
levels, as well as Barton Springs flow. In January of 2015, the Board updated
the drought status from Stage II Alarm Drought to No Drought. This change has
remained in effect throughout 2016, as Edwards water levels have continued to
rise. To note, recent measurements indicate the beginning of a decline starting
October 11th.
An overall wet 2016
produced long periods of recharge, resulting in the second highest water level
elevation for the District’s Edwards Aquifer drought index well, the Lovelady
Monitor Well. Water levels peaked on October 5, 2016 at 545.8 ft-msl, second to
the 547.2 ft-msl recorded on June 2,1992. The Lovelady Monitor Well has
recorded data since 1949.
Almost mirroring the rejuvenating effects of
2015, periods of heavy rainfall in 2016 have continued to boost the Edwards
Aquifer. For close comparison total rainfall for 2015, measured at Camp Mabry,
was 59”, and 2016 is coming in at a close 55”