Thursday, September 10, 2009

Critical Drought remains...despite rains

Drought Stage: Critical
Barton Springs Flow 17 cfs (10-day average = 15.9 cfs)
Lovelady Water Level Depth: 197.5 ft

About 1.5 inches of rain fell today at the District's office (in Machaca, South Austin). It is a welcome site and will likely provide a very slight boost to the aquifer and springflow. But we're nowhere close to getting out of drought. That won't happen until we erase a significant portion of the 30+ inch rainfall deficit we have accumulated over the past 2 years. When the creeks start flowing, then we'll get some meaninful recharge to the aquifer.

Here's a picture of the rainfall today that Robin Gary, or Information Officer, took as the rains soaked our Drought Flag.

Here's a picture from 8/25/9 of an isolated shower along MOPAC I took one evening.

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