Thursday, October 24, 2013

Aquifer Conditions Improving

Stage III Critical Drought
Lovelady monitor well: 465.32 ft-msl
Barton Springs: approx. 65 cfs 10-day average

Water levels in the aquifer continue to climb after the storm on October 12-13 that brought 6.8 inches to the District rain gauge and over 12 inches in areas nearby. Lovelady monitor well water level has come up over 6 feet since the beginning of October. It is unclear whether the storms were enough to get us completely out of drought or for how long we water level will continue to rise, but levels have improved beyond the threshold between Stage II Alarm and Stage III Critical drought.
Flow at Barton Springs has also dramatically increased; District staff measured flow this morning to be about 68 cfs.
This evening the District's board of directors will convene and may vote to downgrade the drought severity to Stage II Drought.

Make sure to follow the District on Facebook and Twitter.

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