Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Critical Stage Continues, Emergency Response Period approaches

Drought Stage: Critical
Barton Springs flow: 15 cfs (16 cfs 10-day average)
Lovelady Well: 196.6 feet (depth to water)

The District Board may declare an Emergency Response Period (ERP) during extreme drought conditions, when a 10-day running average rate of discharge from Barton Springs is equal to, or less than, 14 cfs. The ERP is the next, and last, drought declaration our current rules allow. What measures are implemented is to be determined by the Board. Note that rule revisions are currently being considered by the Board that would add another drought stage called "Exceptional" at the 14 cfs threshold (increase reductions to 40%), and then move the ERP to a 10 cfs threshold. However, those rules may not be in place until September.

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