Friday, September 2, 2016

September 6th, National Protect Your Groundwater Day!

Lovelady well height: 544.45 ft-msl (108.97 ft- Depth to Water)
Barton Springs: approxamately 114 cfs 10-day average

The National Groundwater Association's National Protect Your Groundwater Day helps focus attention on how important groundwater is as a shared resource and encourages everyone to do their part to help protect groundwater resources.  The District agrees!

Everyone can and should do something to protect groundwater. Why? We all have a stake in maintaining its quality and quantity.  Here are a few statistics and details from the National Groundwater Association...

  • For starters, 99 percent of all available freshwater comes from aquifers underground. Being a good steward of groundwater just makes sense.
  • Furthermore, many public water systems draw all or part of their supply from groundwater, so protecting the resource protects the public water supply and impacts treatment costs.
  • If you own a well to provide water for your family, farm, or business, groundwater protection is doubly important. As a well owner, you are the manager of your own water system. Protecting groundwater will help reduce risks to your water supply.

For more information about local groundwater resources, tips and tricks for well maintenance, water quality information, treatment options, and other well owner resources, check out the District's Well Owner Guide.

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