Tuesday, January 2, 2018

2017 Aquifer Status in Review

No Drought
Lovelady well height: 501.8 ft-msl (151.5 ft-Depth to Water)
Barton Springs: approximately 61 cfs 10-day average

2017 began in a status of No Drought following a trend which began back in 2014. In September ‘14, water levels began to rise after above-average rainfall. Steady recharge throughout 2015 and ‘16 continued to increase aquifer water levels as well as Barton Springs flow. In January 2015, the Board updated the drought status from Stage II Alarm Drought to No Drought. While measurements began to decline in October 2016, and have steadily continued down, they remain above drought warning levels. As of December 2017, we maintain a status of No Drought.

Austin has received 39" of rain which is just above our average rainfall (32" - 36") in 2017, which has produced little recharge and resulted in aquifer water level decline. While levels are going down, the benefits of previous wet years have provided a bolster against this drop at the Lovelady Monitor Well, which has recorded data since 1949.

The rejuvenating effects of above-average rainfall in 2015 and ‘16 (59” & 55” respectively) well-prepared the region for a somewhat dryer 2017. La Niña conditions (see previous blog entry) in the Pacific are likely to result in continued dry weather through the winter and beginning of 2018.

Happy New Year from BSEACD!!!

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